Hosting A Cremation Service At A Private Lake

If you recently experienced the death of a loved one, and they indicated to you when they were alive that their wish was to be cremated after they passed away, you are most likely in the process of trying to arrange a ceremony for friends and family to attend. A private lake ceremony is a great way to memorialize the person who had passed away while spreading their ashes in an area they had enjoyed visiting. Here are some tips you can use in hosting a memorial service for the dispersal of your loved ones remains.

Select The Best Location For The Ceremony

The location where you lay your loved one to rest should be one that had special meaning. If your loved one often fished in the lake, a spot where they set up their equipment may be a good spot for their ash ceremony. If they had spent time boating, it may be a nice idea to do the same with the ceremony guests so the ashes can be spread in the water. Select a location with a pretty view and one that is easy to access for your guests. 

Consider Releasing Ashes Along With Flowers

When you take the time to release your loved one's ashes so it settles along the shoreline or in the water of the lake, it is a good idea to do the procedure in tandem with floral blooms. This will allow you to witness the dispersal in more detail as the flowers will enhance the path of the ashes so you can keep your eyes on them as they fly away. Clip the stems off of the flowers and place them inside of a large container. Ask a guest to release the flowers at the same time you dump out the ashes. This will also provide an impressive video or photographs should you decide to share the event with someone who could not attend.

Give Guests A Keepsake To Remember

Consider saving some of the ashes to have placed in individual necklaces to give to some of the family members at the commencement of the event. These will be treasured keepsakes that will allow these people to have a connection with the deceased at all times. The necklaces can be presented to the guests at the end of the ceremony. Alternately, photographs of the deceased can be placed in a picture frames to hand out to those who attend the ceremony.

For more information on cremations, talk to a professional like American Cremation Society.

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getting through the planning process of a funeral

Nobody ever really wants to think about what will happen when they pass away. I think that is why so many of us do nothing to plan for our funerals. After suffering through planning my father's funeral while grieving, I decided I wasn't going to do that to my kids — I knew right then that I would take care of as much of the planning as possible before my final day. This blog contains all sorts of information that can help you pre-plan your own funeral or even get through the planning process for the passing of someone that you love.