Many people find that they struggle when it comes to deciding whether to bury a loved one or opt for cremation. If you do not have a lot of experience with cremation in your family, you might not have a good understanding of what benefits that option can have. To help you decide if cremation can really be the best decision for your loved one, read through the followin
- Making plans for what will happen to your body after your death may seem morbid, but it's actually very practical. Deciding on your funeral plans in advance can save your loved ones a lot of stress during a difficult time in their lives. Cremation is a service that's growing in popularity. It's more inexpensive than a traditional burial, and it can be more environment
- In the past, the Catholic Church prohibited individuals from being cremated. The theory behind not being cremated was that the body was going to be resurrected, and the body was not whole if it was cremated. This attitude carried on for centuries until the Catholic Church removed this ban in 1963. For many older Catholics, cremation is still something they aren't alwa